The Problem: While the majority of Americans have been involved in the "wedge issues" of abortion, guns, gays, poor teachers, etc. the country has been taken away from them. The key to having any hope of regaining our democracy is these NotSee Americans to open their eyes and get actively involved. (If it isn't too late)

My Sitemap

Alphabetical Sitemap

  • NotSee Americans are the key to regaining the Democracy that has been dissolving. People must get informed, get active, and vote.
  • Archive.html
  • Reuters-OAS.html
  • Major-Gabbard.html
  • The main reason for this website is to help people stop being NotSees and become aware of issues that affect their lives. Once aware it is hopes people get activein order to regain the Democracy we have lost while we have been NotSees. The final objective is to get informed people to vote. Vote for the candidate who will meet YOUR needs, not those of the corporations and the wealthy.
  • 911.html
  • None of the three branches of the United States government are, in reality, not controlling anything that takes place.
  • Government.html
  • The Bildeerbergers "shadow" planning for the New World Order
  • The Koch brothers have systematically destroyed the Constitution of the United States primarily through The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).Simply looking at what David Koch's agenda in 1980 was and where we are today should be proof enough as to the damage they have done for their own gains.
  • Koch-In-Action.html
  • Libertarian-Agenda.html